The Mind Mirror 6

EEG Biofeedback Meditation Training



Judith is the co-designer and sole international distributor of the Vilistus Mind  Mirror 6, a highly affordable, research-grade electroencephalograph used by Awakened Mind practitioners and self-trainers for meditation and consciousness development and research.


In late 2010, Judith joined forces with Stephen Clark, software engineer for and co-owner of Vilistus and Durham Systems Management, a U.K.-based neurofeedback/biofeedback manufacturer. She networked Clark with Neil Hancock, developer of the Mind Mirror III, and Peter Staples, an expert on the Electrical Skin Resistance (ESR) meter, to innovate a highly advanced version of the Mind Mirror technology.


Invented by C. Maxwell Cade in 1974, the Mind Mirror is a unique, real-time spectrum analyzer which splits brainwave frequencies into a composite, interrelated, dual-hemisphere brainwave pattern that can be read, understood, and easily adjusted by the meditator to attain and master a variety of ideal states of consciousness. 


Judith added new features to the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6, ranging from the inclusion of 100-hertz gamma readings, group training capabilities, and a self-training program, to the integration of EEG with Galvanic Skin Response and Pulse/Heart Rate Variability for unparalleled body-mind measurements in a single device. With its advanced data analysis capabilities, the Mind Mirror 6 is now being used by professional researchers to conduct studies on the brainwaves of psychics, healers, near-death survivors, lucid dreamers, and advanced meditators. See Judith's book, Your Psychic Soul, and this webpage to explore her growing body of research.


In 2016 and 2017, the new Mind Mirror received one of 200 international TransTech 200 awards for innovative technologies which foster mental and emotional health and well-being. The Mind Mirror 6, standing on nearly 50 years of internationally respected research, is the only scientific instrument proven to help the brain increase its intelligence, creativity, and memory.  


Meditators, peak-performance trainers, and professionals use the Mind Mirror's Practitioner Kit to increase mental focus and coherence in order to unite multiple levels of awareness, heal the psyche, and self-evolve. Read the research and hear what people say.

About Us

Conscious Evolution + Networked Communities = Personal and Planetary Transformation. Catch the wave, raise the vibration of the Infinite Quantum Field!

Judith Pennington

5752 Shady Lane

Bath, Pennsylvania  18014

Tel: (610) 570-1107
